Product Details
+Say it with a flower. Say it with a stylish jewelry box.
She deserves the best, especially on special occasions. This delicately designed flower will remind her of your deepest feelings for her. Make her daydream with this charming gift box that can hold her precious jewelry.
How to say it like a gentleman?
Mignonne, allons voir si la rose
Qui ce matin avait déclose
Sa robe de pourpre au soleil,
A point perdu cette vesprée,
Les plis de sa robe pourprée,
Et son teint au vôtre pareil.
Sweetheart, come let us see if the rose
Which this morning unfolded
Its crimson dress to the sun
Has lost, at evening,
The folds of its crimson dress
And its color so like your own.
Pierre De Ronsard - Ode A Cassandre